Here is a picture of the cathedral parish of Shanghai, where I usually go to church. It's a pretty awesome place...a great big gothic-style church right in the middle of Xujiahui, one of Shanghai's busiest business districts. (This picture doesn't do it justice, because when you see the church, it looks like it was plopped from the sky right into the middle of a thoroughly modern metropolis.) Despite the church's architectural disparity with its surroundings, the cathedral might be one of Shanghai's most popular places for tourist photography, outdoor wedding pictures, etc.
It rarely snows in Shanghai. Happily for me, though, this is the THIRD time I've seen snow here! I'm loving it. And so are the kids who are running and yelling outside my apartment right now.
(N.B. I wish I could claim credit for this photo. Sadly, all the pictures on my phone camera seem to be absolutely untransferrable.)