
Vision for the Karen

I have some friends in Hong Kong who work with Vision Beyond Borders.  VBB works in different countries, and has developed a special project on the Thai-Burmese border, to help some of the hundreds of thousands of Karen refugees who have fled to Thailand.

Here is a video that gives an outline of the situation: http://vimeo.com/16548078.


Walking Into Good Works

A Danish guy came to my neighborhood a few days ago.  He wanted to get lunch, so I showed him a nearby McDonald's.  We chatted a bit, and then I left.  But he stayed there, just to relax and listen to a sermon on his iPod.

When I saw him again a couple hours later, I asked how he'd enjoyed the afternoon.  He proceeded to tell me that he had spent the afternoon witnessing.  Right after I left, a Chinese guy (from mainland China) walked over to his table and sat down right across from him.  (Cultural note: sitting at a table with strangers is common here, because of how crowded Hong Kong is).

My friend eventually initiated a conversation, and eventually told him he was in Hong Kong for missionary work.  But the Chinese guy started talking about how he didn't believe Christianity: "How can you believe the Bible?  At the Tower of Babel, God divided all the languages, and confused everybody.  That's so mean!"

I'll be honest...that's an argument against Christianity that I haven't heard before.

Nevertheless, despite the division of language--i.e. my friend's Danish accent, and the Chinese guy's very limited English--the gospel was shared, and they prayed together right there in McDonald's.  Afterwards, they went to the Chinese guy's house, where my friend gave him a Chinese Bible and tracts (he hadn't brought any Cantonese tracts with him, only Mandarin ones, for people from mainland China).

I listened to the story, and my first thought was: "I've been in this neighborhood for months, and haven't actually shared the gospel message with a single person...this guy was hardly here two hours, and he's already leading people to faith in Christ!"

After he shared about his afternoon, he mentioned Ephesians 2:9-10, and how it says that we're saved in order to do good works, which God has already prepared for us, so that we can walk in them.  He's already prepared them for us to do...we just have to keep walking.  We'll run into them soon enough.

那么,我们走吧! (Nàme,wǒmen zǒu ba! So, let's go!)


Eating the Bible in Egypt

I just picked up an old copy (March 2012) of The Voice of the Martyrs magazine, and thought I'd share this:

The last time I saw Mozafar in Cairo, he explained to me how he had eaten the Bible.  As a devout Muslim, Mozafar had been commanded by his mullah, or Islamic leader, to read the Bible so that he could write an argument to expose and defeat the Christians.  The mullah had recognized Mozafar's fierce loyalty to Islam; his zeal had led him to attack churches and to persecute and burn the property of Christians.  he had even spent time in prison for his radical actions on behalf of Islam.  But when he opened the pages of the Bible, he was stunned by the mercy and grace offered by Jesus in the gospel of Matthew.  Mozafar was so drawn to the gospel that he rented a hotel room so he could read teh Bible and other Christian books without interruption.

Mozafar's brothers, angered by the changes they saw in him, took him to a mental institution, where he was subjected to shock treatments to rid his brain of radical spiritual ideas like "loving your enemies."  but the greater shock in Mozafar's life was God's truth revealed through his Holy Spirit.  Once he had been exposed to the gospel, he was desperate to learn more about Jesus.  "I would go into the bathroom of our home and lock the door," Mozafar explained.  "then I would take the Scriptures, memorize them, and eat them so that my family could not find them."

What a way to "eat the scroll"!  Tom White closes the article by writing:

Unlike Mozafar, we don't have to read Scripture behind a locked door and eat the pages.  we have this potential feast lying out in the open in our living rooms and bedrooms.  The necessary food for our spiritually malnourished world is right in front of us.  Please pray for our workers who risk their lives to feed those hungry for the gospel...then pass the Bread.

"In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise." -- Ephesians 1:13


Earthshaking Evangelism

I'm reading Mark Geppert's book on missions and intercession, called The Attack Lambs: Prayer That Changes The World.

He has a number of amazing stories of powerful and effective prayer.  Here's just one.

In the late 1970's, Mark Geppert and a team were in Guatemala, doing a ministry of prayer-walking.  They were concentrating on mountain villages, giving Bibles to those who could read and who committed to reading the Bible daily with their families, and in this way starting simple house churches.

In natural progression, there were healings and salvations and baptisms and churches formed. It seemed too good to last and, of course, it did not go unchallenged by the Devil.

We arrived in the town of San Jose del Golfo and were joined by the elder there, Lazuro Ochoa Catalan, and two policemen.  One of the policemen was a new brother in the church.  He delivered the news to me that I was not going out to the villages as there was a very important meeting awaiting our arrival...

San Jose is the municipal center of government for about thirty small villages extending from the Atlantic Coast Highway to the Motagua River just fifteen miles east of Guatemala City.  The Lord had given us small groups in each of the villages and a church in San Jose.  Our influence was building in the area and had caught the attention of the government.

As we entered the large meeting room of the town hall, I recognized most of the men.  The mayor of San Jose was there as well as the sub-mayors who presided over each community where I had been distributing Bibles.  They were easily distinguished by their hats and official sticks...

Calling the meeting to order, the mayor had each man stand in front of a chair all of which formed a circle.  He explained to the men who I was, although most of them knew me.  He took great pains to formally introduce Gilbert and Lazuro and expressed their desire to remain.  He explained my Spanish was fine so there was no need for translation.  I would understand their questions and could answer quite well.

While all this was going on I was in the Spirit quietly asking God to neutralize the power of the Enemy arrayed against us so His work could go on to bear fruit.

When the major suggested we start with questions, I immediately jumped in with what the Lord had given me, not knowing where it would lead or even what the next step would be.

"I realize this is a very important meeting and I want to express my appreciation for your coming all the way to be here.  May I suggest, since this is such an important meeting, we follow a custom which we have in my country for such occasions."

They thought that was a good idea and so I explained to them, "In meetings of this importance in my country, we always start with prayer."

They looked at each other and again me.  They were not men of prayer.

"Since this is such an important meeting," I continued to cover their hesitation, "it is important the prayer be done properly.  Just custom you understand... Now in prayers like this it is customary for us as men to pray with our hats off."

They looked to the mayor who, with a condescending shrug, removed his hat.  They too removed their hats and looked around at each other...

Now I was nervous, but I continued as the Lord gave me instructions.

"Since this is such an important meeting, and we surely want it to go well, perhaps we should follow custom another step."

The mayor was not smiling when his eye caught mine.  I had pushed this about as far as I was going to be able.

"Perhaps," I suggested, "we should join hands to pray."

Latin men do not stand around with their hats off holding hands.  They looked to the mayor and then to me; you could see the fire in their eyes.  I took the hands of Gilbert and Lazuro and they in turn reached out for the others.  The men placed their hats and sticks on the chairs behind them and took hands.  A nervous laughter went through the place.

Now, feeling very hung out there by the Lord, I said, "I know that many of you are not used to praying and since this has to be right, may I suggest I lead you in prayer and you all repeat the prayer after me."

Somewhat relieved, they were quick to agree.

"Lord Jesus," I began, and they followed.  "Forgive me of my sins.  Come into my life as my personal Savior and Lord. Give me the power to be a good man and a good leader for my people, in Jesus name."

When they said "in Jesus name," the earth literally shook!  There was an earthquake.  The place shook violently from side to side as well as up and down.  I was scared to death.  Holding Gilbert and Lazuro's hands tightly, I did not open my eyes.

The quake measured 6.5 we found out later.  The mayors ran from the building as they were afraid the terra cotta tiles would come crashing down through the wooden rafters and crush our skulls.  Taking no thought for important hats or sticks, they dashed from the building...  As the dust cleared around us, we three stood petrified by the impact of what had happened!

One by one the men re-entered the room, found their hats and sticks, nodded to us and went off to find out the condition of their village.  Finally, the head mayor came back in.  He put on his hat and, drawing himself to full stature, he said, "I do not know how you did that; but I am authorized to tell you that whatever you need in any of these villages, you have only to ask the man who was in this room and he will get it for you.  You are to come tomorrow with your passport and those of your family and friends and you will receive courtesy visas.  From this day forward you are the invited guests of the government of Guatemala, you have no need to stop for immigration or customs and, should the national police stop you for any reason, just show them this seal and you will be conducted safely and speedily to your destination."

Satan had not only been neutralized, his attack had been turned against him.


Living Water

I recently finished Brother Yun's Living Water.

Brother Yun (Liu Zhenying) is currently in exile from China, and is living with his family in Germany.

It's dangerous to read books like this in public.  (No, not because I'm in China! :)  It's dangerous because the stories are so moving, and his writing is so convicting, that I've often (i.e. often) wept in public buses and metros, reading and re-reading the accounts of God's work in the Chinese church.

The quotes below may not be the most heart-wrenching ones, but they do express Brother Yun's thinking and lifestyle.  He really believes the Gospel.

After I arrived in the West, it didn't take long for me to realize that something fundamental was missing in the body of Christ.  That missing thing was the power and presence of God.  I don't say this to condemn anyone, but rather I point it out in the hope that it will speak to your heart and help the church.  Thousands of churches today do not preach the Word with the authority and power that Jesus promised to all who follow Him.  This is a tragedy, as such powerless churches end up relying on human wisdom to see "results." (150)

If you go to reach Muslims, it is not enough just to take the Bible in your hands and argue with them.  They will meet you with the Qur'an held aloft and tell you, "We already have the Holy Scriptures!"  The only way to reach Muslims for Jesus is for them to experience the living water of the Holy Spirit flowing into their lives.  They do not need dialogue or theological forums.  They need a personal encounter with the living God!" (152)

During the times of strongest revival in China, miracles were so commonplace that we didn't even think about them much.  They were as natural as breathing the air. They helped thrust millions of people into the kingdom of God... Miracles and signs and wonders are not just for within the walls of your church building. No!  They are to be demonstrated among the people, in the marketplace, on the bustling city streets, and in the homes of those who are trapped in darkness. This is where Jesus and the disciples did most of their miracles. They knew nothing about scheduled "healing meetings" inside church buildings. The power of God accompanied them wherever they proclaimed the good news..." (153)

Many parts of the book read like this.  He reflects on both Scripture and personal experience, and sometimes intertwines them.  For Brother Yun, the lapse of time and the differences of culture between ancient Israel and modern China seem to be irrelevant...the kingdom of God in the first century is the same kingdom right now!  And the promises to us are the same, and the expectations of God are the same.  And, Brother Yun relentlessly demonstrates that our experience can--and should--be the same.

P.S. I highly recommend Asia Harvest, where you can find Living Water and other books on China.