Every time I go to church, it just drives me nuts.
I get to church, and there are beggars outside. (Obviously, that fact doesn't bother me.) Most of them have some serious deformity, and I feel pity for them.
That's intentional, of course, on the part of their bosses. The most pitiable ones are placed in the middle of the best traffic, and large religious gatherings are some of the best traffic you'll find.
So, again...when I go into the church, there are beggars outside, with serious physical problems. And they stay outside the church. And when I leave the church, they're still outside. And they still have serious physical problems.
My questions are:
1) Why has nobody healed them? Does nobody here have the gift of healing?
2) Why are they still outside? Does nobody invite them in?
3) Is it really any use to give them money, when most of it goes to their boss?
I have to admit, I have rarely actually prayed for healing with a beggar...not even ten times in my life. And I've never seen one healed.
Also, presumably, their freedom is limited by their boss. They're "on the clock", so if they're invited in and leave their post, they will, presumably, be punished.
And, I still wrestle about whether to give them money.
So, the most recent example... Tonight, I left the cathedral, and was swarmed by beggars. I felt no faith to pray for healing, and I didn't have enough coins for all seven of them. So, I smiled, said nihao to the ones I knew, and just kept walking.
Does anybody here have the Holy Spirit? Can anybody bring life into this system of poverty, shame, and brokenness?