Bill Johnson, pastor of Bethel Church in Redding, California, gives a powerful reflection on how our faith in God may actually accelerate His work among us. On page 124 of When Heaven Invades Earth, he talks about Jesus' conversation with Mary, at the wedding feast in Cana:

Now what really happened? It's important to remember that Jesus only did what He saw His Father do, and he only said what He heard His Father say. When Mary first mentioned the need for wine to Jesus, it is safe to say He noticed that the Father was not involved in doing any miracles for that wedding. Besides, He knew that this wasn't His hour...the time to be revealed as the miracle-worker. That's what brought the response, "Woman, what does your concern have to do with me? My hour has not yet come." Mary, however, responded with faith and had the servants ready to do "...whatever He says to you."
Jesus again looked to see what the Father was doing and now noticed that He was turning water into wine. So Jesus followed His lead and did the miracle. Her faith so touched the heart of the Father that He apparently changed the chosen time to unveil Jesus as the miracle worker. Faith moves heaven, so that heaven will move earth.
Regardless of how it happened, Mary's faith in Jesus' ability to do miracles resulted in the revelation of His power. And it's because Mary's faith refused to stop after her first prayer wasn't answered. Notice that she didn't say, "Well, whatever the good Lord wills." Her faith was so persistent that it started Jesus' public ministry, manifested His glory, and made His disciples believe in Him. (John 2:11)
I want that kind of faith!

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